Produse pentru acid lactic pentru băuturi (51)

Capsule de Acerola - Capsule și tablete

Capsule de Acerola - Capsule și tablete

The acerola cherry, which comes from Central and South America, is one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamins C. We are talking about a concentration 20 to 30 times higher than in oranges. Vitamin C contributes towards a normal, healthy function in the immune system and metabolic energy rate. It also works as a trap for free-radicals, protecting the cells against oxidative stress. Each capsule contains 400 mg acerola extract with 70 mg natural vitamin C. 1-2 capsules per day will suffice. Art. No.:291
Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Suplimente alimentare pulbere

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile. L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.
Acid citric

Acid citric

El ácido cítrico se encuentra naturalmente en las frutas cítricas, pero también se puede fabricar. El ácido cítrico industrial se produce principalmente por fermentación o por reacción química. Este último método se utiliza en aproximadamente el 90 % de la producción mundial e implica la fermentación con enzimas y cepas microbianas, más comúnmente Aspergillus niger. El ácido cítrico tiene la capacidad de ayudar a estabilizar las emulsiones y previene la separación de grasas. El producto final está disponible en forma de polvo o granulado como ácido cítrico anhidro.
Sodă caustică lichidă 32% / Lichid de hidroxid de sodiu 32% - Sodă caustică lichidă

Sodă caustică lichidă 32% / Lichid de hidroxid de sodiu 32% - Sodă caustică lichidă

Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water. NaOH≥:32.0 Na2CO3≤:0.06 NaCl ≤:0.0001 Fe2O3≤:0.0005 CaO≤:0.001
N-Acetil Carnosină - Dipeptid cosmetic de frumusețe N-Acetil-L-carnosină/N-Acetilcarnosină

N-Acetil Carnosină - Dipeptid cosmetic de frumusețe N-Acetil-L-carnosină/N-Acetilcarnosină

N-Acetyl-L-carnosine, or N-Acetylcarnosine (abbreviated NAC) is a dipeptide. It is similar to carnosine but more resistant to carnosinase degradation thanks to the addition of an acetyl group. Carnosine (L-Carnosine), the scientific name β-alanyl-L-histidine, is a dipeptide composed of β-alanine and L-histidine, a crystalline solid. Carnosine is not only a nutrient, but also can promote cell metabolism and delay aging. Carnosine can trap free radicals and prevent glycosylation reactions. It has anti-oxidation and anti-glycation effects. It can be used with whitening ingredients to enhance its whitening effect. CAS. No:56353-15-2 INCI Name:N-Acetyl L-Carnosine Synonyms:N-Acetyl-L-carnosine;Acetylcarnosine;N-Acetylcarnosine Molecular Weight: 268.27
Suc Concentrat de Acerola Organic - Clarificat 50° - Vrei să încerci înainte de a cumpăra? Te rugăm să ne contactezi pentru mostre gratuite

Suc Concentrat de Acerola Organic - Clarificat 50° - Vrei să încerci înainte de a cumpăra? Te rugăm să ne contactezi pentru mostre gratuite

From Amazonia to you, the acerola cherry is a small-sized juicy fruit with a delicate sweet and sour flavor, which can best be described as a tasty combination of lime and strawberry. In huge demand, this tiny cherry with bright red and thin skin has High Vitamin C (30% more than orange) and also contains Polyphenol (Anthocyanin) and Bioflavonoids. It is a source of Potassium and is high in Fibre. The acerola cherry is also commonly used as a 100% natural substitute for ascorbic acid due to its high Vitamin C that prolongs the shelf-life of products as well as adding great taste, color and nutritional properties to them. Benefits: * Antioxidant activity (High ORAC) * Prevents influenza and colds. * Boosts the immune system * Athletic endurance * Antifungal * Skin astringent (cream) Common uses: foods and beverages, energy and sport drinks, juices, yogurts, desserts, jellies, gel in suspension and others.
Capsule Anti-Cădere Păr - Tratament Anti-Cădere Păr

Capsule Anti-Cădere Păr - Tratament Anti-Cădere Păr

Gélules Anti Chute Nutri Hair : Un concentré d'actifs pour la santé de vos cheveux. Un cocktail de plantes et de vitamines aux multiples effets: - prévient et traite la perte (Cheveux de Vénus) - favorise la croissance (Prêle) - renforce (prêle) -contribue au maintien de cheveux normaux (Vitamine B8) Une nouveauté Ôde Cosmétiques: - made in France - pour tous types de cheveux - dédiés aux femmes & hommes Programme: - pilulier de 60 gélules pour 30 jours de programme - prendre 2 gélules par jour avec un grand verre d'eau - des résultats visibles à partir du 1er mois - un programme de 3 mois est conseillé pour des résultats optimaux - une pause d' 1 mois entre chaque programme de 3 mois est recommandée Utilisation: - pour les personnes souffrant d'une perte de cheveux - pour prévenir la chute des cheveux ternes et cassants - à utiliser pour une chevelure renforcée et sublimée Dimensions:9 cm (hauteur) x 4.5 cm (diamètre) Poids:41 g Gamme:NUTRI HAIR
Făină de roșcov - Agent de gelifiere, stabilizator, sursă de fibre alimentare

Făină de roșcov - Agent de gelifiere, stabilizator, sursă de fibre alimentare

Johannisbrotkernmehl wird aus den Samen des Johannisbrotbaum gewonnen und ist ein natürliches Verdickungsmittel. Die Lebensmittelindustrie setzt es aufgrund seiner zahlreichen Vorteile schon lange ein. Nun erobert es auch die heimischen Küchen der Endverbraucher. Das Superfood lässt sich hervorragend in die vegane Küche integrieren, es kann problemlos als Ei- und Gelatine-Ersatz verwendet werden. Es bindet Flüssigkeiten wie Öl und Wasser viel stärker als Speisestärke. Athleten und Kraftsportler nutzen Johannisbrotkernmehl als Backhilfsmittel, da es sehr kalorienarm ist und zusätzlich fünf Prozent Eiweiß enthält. Weitere tolle Inhaltsstoffe der Hülsenfrucht sind Pektin, B-Vitamine, sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe und Mineralstoffe. Unser Johannisbrotkernmehl ist für Bio-Produkte zugelassen. Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan Lebensmittelkennzeichnung:E 410
Lichid CBD solubil în apă 20% - Lichid de canabidiol (CBD) solubil în apă 20%

Lichid CBD solubil în apă 20% - Lichid de canabidiol (CBD) solubil în apă 20%

Our 20% CBD Water Soluble Liquid is a combination of natural ingredients. CBD Water Soluble Liquid is a potent and pure CBD isolatebased solution designed specifically for the beverage and wellness industries. Made with Biosyyd’s highest quality CBD Isolate available, it has everything you love and nothing you don’t. Product is available is bulk, with options like 1kg, 5kg, 10kg etc.. Potency:20% Form:Watery liquid Color:Opaque white to off-white Odor :Mild bitter odor Flavor:Mild bitterness Functions :Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Skin Conditioning, Anti-sebum, Skin Protecting
Sirop Agave Light - sirop de agave natural

Sirop Agave Light - sirop de agave natural

Natural organaic syrup made from Agave juice. Net weight:250 g Energy value per 100 g:320 kcal
Ditiophosphate de dibutilamoniu / Ditiophosphate BA 91% - Ditiophosphate

Ditiophosphate de dibutilamoniu / Ditiophosphate BA 91% - Ditiophosphate

Chemical appearance Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate has a white and pale greyish coloured appearance. It comes in a fine powder form which has no kind of odour. It has a PH level of 9. Chemical application and strength Dithiophosphate BA or Ammonium Dibutyl Dithiophosphate is a very good collector and flotation agent of nonferrous metallic minerals like copper, zinc sulfide (activated), silver, polymetallic ores, and lead. Its pH levels are ideal in the depressing process of iron pyrites. It has is a very strong collector compared to thiocarbamates and various secondary collectors. A good flotation agent and is quite selective within acidic environments. Dithiophosphate BA can be quite weak in collecting magnetizing pyrite and pyrite but is very selective It is a very good collector of galena and can enhance the separation of pyrite and galena. CAS Number:53378-51-1 HS Code:292019
Producția și umplerea capsulelor pe bază de contract

Producția și umplerea capsulelor pe bază de contract

Companies using this type of production can improve themselves in the marketing sector. Because instead of wasting time dealing with small parts in production processes, it is advancing in the marketing sector. Since contract manufacturing enterprises progress by improving themselves in this business, they may receive contract manufacturing offers from larger companies. Capsule Filling Type in Contract Production: Since pills and vitamin drugs are usually in the form of capsules, the filling part is very important when manufacturing. Capsule filling processes, which must be done very hygienically and carefully, are usually carried out by machines. Since it is a laborious task to fill powder or granules into small pills, the idea of contract manufacturing can be quite logical.
Agaroză pentru fragmente de 50~800bp - Substanțe Chimice Fine

Agaroză pentru fragmente de 50~800bp - Substanțe Chimice Fine

CAS-Nr.: [9012-36-6] EINECS: 232-731-8 Shipping condition: ambient. CAS Nr:[9012-36-6] Code:01147 Manufacturers:Nacalai
IZOLAT CBG >99% En-Gros - Izolat CBG (Cannabigerol)

IZOLAT CBG >99% En-Gros - Izolat CBG (Cannabigerol)

CBG (Cannabigerol) used to be a minor cannabinoid but the development of CBG rich strains, reaching up to 16% phytocannabinoid content, allows to extract large quantities of this compound. CBG molecule is exceptional between cannabinoids due to presence of only one aromatic ring. Our CBG went through rigorous purification and testing to provide the highest quality product. Specifications Origin: Natural Appearance: White Crystalline Powder Consistency: Solid Purity: >99%
Ulei de avocado bio - Ulei bio vânzare en-gros și en-detail

Ulei de avocado bio - Ulei bio vânzare en-gros și en-detail

L’huile d’avocat bio offre de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé et la beauté en raison de sa composition nutritionnelle et de ses propriétés uniques. Voici quelques-uns des bienfaits associés à l’huile d’avocat bio : Bonne pour la santé du cœur : L’huile d’avocat bio est riche en acides gras monoinsaturés, tels que l’acide oléique, qui peuvent aider à réduire le taux de cholestérol LDL (mauvais cholestérol) dans le sang. Cela peut contribuer à maintenir un cœur en bonne santé et réduire le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires. Source d’antioxydants : L’huile d’avocat bio contient des antioxydants naturels, notamment des caroténoïdes tels que la lutéine et la zéaxanthine. Ces antioxydants aident à protéger les cellules contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres, ce qui peut contribuer à réduire le risque de maladies chroniques et de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge. Favorise l’absorption des nutriments
Ulei de Avocado Virgin Organic (Persea Gratissima) - Uleiurile noastre vegetale africane organice en-gros

Ulei de Avocado Virgin Organic (Persea Gratissima) - Uleiurile noastre vegetale africane organice en-gros

Huile Végétale Vierge D'Avocat Biologique (Persea Gratissima) - Nos huiles végétales africaines bios en gros
Acid citric anhidru

Acid citric anhidru

USP24/BP98/E330 Citric Acid Powder, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Citric Acid Monohydrate Citric Acid is mainly used as a flavoring agent, preservative, and antistaling agent in the food and beverage industry. Citric Acid also can be used as an antioxidant, plasticizer, detergent in chemical, cosmetics, and detergent industries. As a food additive, Citric Acid Anhydrous is an essential food ingredient in our food supply. As a leading food additives and food ingredients supplier in Turkey, we can provide you with high-quality Citric Acid Anhydrous.
Capsule CLA - Capsule și tablete

Capsule CLA - Capsule și tablete

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) a polyunsaturated fatty acid, is often taken as a dietary supplement in the context of a balanced, nutrition-conscious diet combined with regular exercise. CLA-Capsules contain a processed safflower oil with 80 % of conjugated unsaturated fatty acids. Each capsule contains 800 mg of conjugated unsaturated fatty acids. Art. No.:1752
Beta Arbutin - Ingrediente active pentru albirea și iluminarea pielii Arbutin

Beta Arbutin - Ingrediente active pentru albirea și iluminarea pielii Arbutin

Beta arbutin powder is the active substance originated from natural plant which can whiten and lighten skin. Beta arbutin powder can infiltrate into the skin quickly without affecting the concentration of cell multiplication and effectively prevent activity of tyrosinase in the skin and the forming of melanin. By combined arbutin with tyrosinase, decomposition and drainage of melanin are accelerated, splash and fleck can be got ride of and no side effects are caused. Beta arbutin powder is one of the safest and most efficient whitening materials that are popular at present. CAS. No:497-76-7
Anhidrid ftalic

Anhidrid ftalic

Phthalic Anhydride is most commonly used for the large-scale production of plasticizers for plastics. It performs the useful functions of fillers for products such as paints, plastics, and textiles etc. It is used in the production of building material. It is utilised for making insulating material for protection from noise and cold etc. such as in homes and buildings. It is also consumed for making insulation for wires and electrical cables. In the chemical industry it acts as a modifier for chemicals. It is widely used for the efficient production of colourants. It is used for making dyes and pigments. CAS Number:85-44-9 HS Code:29173500
Acid Hialuronic Oligo - Greutate Moleculară Mai Mică de 10KDa Acid Hialuronic

Acid Hialuronic Oligo - Greutate Moleculară Mai Mică de 10KDa Acid Hialuronic

Oligo Hyaluronic Acid is a HA molecular fragment with a relative molecular mass of less than 10,000Da(10KDa), which is developed and produced by the company's own enzymes and unique enzyme digestion technology, also known as Hydrolyzed sodium hyaluronate.The product can penetrate the epidermis and dermis, and has biological activities such as deep hydration, scavenging free radicals, repairing damaged cells, improving cell activity, soothing sensitivity, anti-inflammatory, and regulating skin immune function. CAS. No:9004-61-9